Friday, June 26, 2020

Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart: Burning Love

Fr Richard's words today for a Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart

June is the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It’s a wonderful devotion, which has its origins in the 11th century and was furthered by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, who had apparitions of Our Lord and permitted her to rest her head onto His Heart.

Jesus’ Heart of flesh is the great symbol in the Church of His burning love for the whole of humanity. From his Heart flows an abundance of gentleness and compassion, demonstrated wonderfully in today’s Gospel. The leper humbles and abandons himself before Jesus, knowing that the Lord can heal him. The man doesn’t demand Christ’s healing touch but is respectful of God’s will: “If you want to, you can cure me.” Jesus’ response, emanating from His Sacred Heart, is instant: “Of course I want to, be cured!”

When we place ourselves humbly before the Lord, trusting in Him, Jesus pours out charity upon us from His burning Heart, healing us too of our wounds.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

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