Friday, November 27, 2020

Friday, Last Week of Ordinary Time: Heaven to earth


Fr Richard's reflection for today

Readings: Universalis: Mass

Heaven to earth

"I saw the holy city, and the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, as beautiful as a bride all dressed for her husband." (Ap 21:2)

St John's spectacular vision of the new Jerusalem descending to earth concludes today's reading from Apocalypse. This verse of Scripture is very timely as we await with great anticipation the return of public Mass next week.

What John sees is exactly what we witness at the Mass, for the Eucharist is the uniting of heaven and earth. The Mass is a foretaste of the heavenly Jerusalem. It's why we Christians who are on the journey to our heavenly homeland yearn for the Mass - because it's there that we participate already in the heavenly banquet. 

The new Jerusalem is described as a "bride all dressed for her husband". The holy city is the Church in heaven, just as we are parts of the Body of Christ, the Church, here on earth. The Catholic Church is the beautiful Bride of Christ, the Bridegroom. Yes, individuals within the Church can be great sinners and  even corruption can take hold in the governance of it. But in its mystical character, the Church is Jesus' Holy Bride and its the wedding Feast that we participate in when we pray the Mass.

Reflecting on this awesome reality of what the Mass is, may we grow in love of it and come to treasure it as the heart of our Faith and the means of our salvation. 

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